Saturday, 26 March 2016


"And now, as pertaining to this perfect Atonement, wrought by the shedding of the blood of God - I testify that it took place in Gethsemane and at Golgotha, and as pertaining to Jesus Christ, I testify that He is the Son of the Living God and was crucified for the sins of the world. He is our Lord, our God, and our King. This I know of myself independent of any other person.

I am one of His witnesses, and in a coming day I shall feel the nail marks in His hands and in His feet and shall wet His feet with my tears. But I shall not know any better then than I know now that He is God's Almighty Son, that He is our Saviour and Redeemer, and that salvation comes in and through His atoning blood and in no other way."

- Bruce R. McConkie, "The Purifying Power of Gethsemane", Ensign May 1985, 9-11

Friday, 25 March 2016


"This sacrifice....took place in Gethsemane when He sweat great gouts of blood from every pore.... And it also took place as He hung on the cruel cross of Calvary. During the last three hours of that agonizing ordeal, while darkness overspread the land, all the pains and suffering of Gethsemane returned."

- Bruce, R. McConkie, A New Witness For The Articles of Faith, p 109

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


"His Atonement is that all humankind would be saved from never-ending death. It was infinite in terms of His immense suffering. It was infinite in time, putting an end to the preceding prototype of animal sacrifice. It was infinite in scope - it was to be done once for all. And the mercy of the Atonement extends not only to an infinite number of people, but also to an infinite number of worlds created by Him. It was infinite beyond any human scale of measurement or mortal comprehension.

- Russell M. Nelson, "The Atonement", Ensign Nov 1996, p 35

Sunday, 20 March 2016


His hands
Tools of creation
Stronger than nations
Power without end
And yet through them we find our truest friend.

His hands
Sermons of kindness
Healing men's blindness
Halting years of pain
Children waiting to be held again.

His hands
Lifting a leper
Warming a beggar
Calling back the dead
Breaking bread, five thousand fed.

His hands
Hushing contention
Pointing to heaven
Ever free of sin
Then bidding man to follow him.

His hands
Would serve his whole life through
Showing man what hands might do
Giving, ever giving, endlessly
And I'll not rest until I make up
My hands what they could be
Till these hands become like those from Galilee.

- Kenneth Cope

Wednesday, 16 March 2016


"May I tell you of a great adventure? As I traveled to a weekend assignment, I took with me an unusual book which was my constant companion. I could lay it down only to sleep, eat, and change trains. It fascinated me, captivated me, and held me spellbound with its irresistible charm and engaging interest. I have read it many times.

As I finished it, I closed the book and sat back, absorbed as I relived its contents. Its pages held me, bound me, and my eyes were riveted to them. I knew the book was factual, but as has been said, "Truth is stranger than fiction".

I am constrained to speak to you of it today. It is a story of courage, faith, and fortitude, of perseverance, sacrifice, and super-human accomplishments, of intrigue, of revenge, of disaster, of war murder, and rapine, of idolatry, and of cannibalism, of miracles, visions, and manifestations, of prophecies and their fulfillment.

I found in it life at its best and at its worst, in ever-changing patterns. I hardly recovered from one great crisis until another engulfed me.

Across the stage of this drama of life through the ages, marched actors in exotic, colorful costumes from the blood-painted nudity of the warrior to the lavish, ornamented pageantry of royal courts - some actors loathsome and degraded, others so near perfection that they conversed with angels and with God. There are sowers and reapers, the artisans, the engineers, the traders, and the toilers, the rake in his debauchery, the alcoholic with his liquor, the pervert rotting in his sex, the warrior in his armor, the missionary on his knees.

This dramatic story is one of the greatest ever played by man.

- Spencer W. Kimball, Conference Report, April 1963, p 63)

Tuesday, 15 March 2016


"There is a holiness to the heart's affections."

- John Keats

Saturday, 12 March 2016


He prayeth best who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Sunday, 6 March 2016


"In the gospel of Jesus Christ you have help from both sides of the veil, and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike - and they will - you remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection. They will always be there, these armies of heaven, in defense of Abraham's seed."

- Jeffrey R. Holland

Thursday, 3 March 2016


Angels, answer me,
Are you near if rain should fall?
Am I to believe
You will rise to calm the storm?
For so great a treasure
Words will never do.
Surely, if this is,
Promises are mine to give you.

Here, all too soon the day!
Wish the moon to fall
And alter our tomorrow.
I should know heaven has her way,
Each one given memories to own.

Angels all could be
Should you move both earth and sea
Angels, I could feel
All those dark clouds disappearing.
Even as I breathe,
Comes an angel to their keep.
Surely, if this is,
Promises are mine to give you.

- Roma Ryan