Wednesday, 17 April 2019


You are perfect. You are limitless.
Because you are a disciple of Jesus Christ.
All the power you will ever need was born
in His moment of suffering for you.
By the virtue of His Atonement and your acceptance
of His grace you have access to the perfection of His 
character and can thereby become perfect yourself.

He is the Father: you are the child;
He is the Giver: you are the given;
He is the Deliverer: you are the delivered;
He is the Healer: you are the healed;
He is the Saviour: you are the saved;
He is the Redeemer: you are the redeemed;
The King of Kings,
The Lord of Lords,
Wonderful, Counselor,
The Prince of Peace,
The Mighty God,
The Everlasting Father.

- Cathryne Allen


"Live today as if you were going to live forever,
for you surely shall."

- Gordon B. Hinckley


"Alone, alone, all alone,
Alone on a wide, wide sea!
And never a saint took
Pity on my soul in agony."

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Monday, 1 April 2019



It will not change now
After so many years;
Life has not broken it
With parting or tears;
Death will not alter it,
It will live on
In all my songs for you
When I am gone.

- Sara Teasdale