Thou art my Prince of Peace,
Thou art my Balm of Gilead,
Thou art the love of my soul.
Thou art my comfort, my guide, my all.
(Art: Clothed in Glory by Chris Brazelton)
Thou art my Prince of Peace,
Thou art my Balm of Gilead,
Thou art the love of my soul.
Thou art my comfort, my guide, my all.
(Art: Clothed in Glory by Chris Brazelton)
He, in whose hand is the scepter of kings
Who spanned the heavens above
And laid the foundations of the earth below
Upon whose surface He once achingly trod
Before whom we now bow and call,
The Holy One of God.
(Art: The Creator by Chris Brazelton)
I fly on wings of faith
I fly above the world below;
I fly to the everlasting throne
Of the God that I adore.
I will meet Him there
And account for all my deeds
And thank Him for His grace
And attendance to my needs.
I will kneel before His throne
And acknowledge all His glory,
I will weep to feel Him near
And hear Him speak my name
So lovingly and so dear.
(Art: God the Father, AI Generated)
You flowed like a river through my heart
Revealing the wonder of You,
And lifted my eyes higher to see the
majestic view.
You ploughed the sacred ground of my heart
And tenderly sowed Your seeds of love;
I will nurture and water them daily
Until home to You I come.
(Art: His Mighty Hand by Yongsung Kim)
Thou art the source of all my blessings,
Thou art the source of all my joys,
Thou art the living water
I drink with haste
And savour each and every drop
So careful of tragic waste.
Feed me Saviour ever more
The love that flows with every cup
Grant me my fill each day
That keeps me living and bears me up.
(Art: Jesus the Serene Master by Ivan Guaderrama)