Tuesday, 27 August 2024




“He wept – He who had descended below all things, the Man of Sorrows, He who bore all our griefs. The height of His infinite capacity for joy is the inverse, mirror image of the depth of His capacity to bear our burdens. So it is with the enlarged caverns of feeling within our own hearts; as the sorrows of our lives carve and stretch those caverns, they expand our soul’s capacity for joy. Then, when the Man of Sorrows turns our bitter tastes to sweet, our joy – and His – will fill the widened chambers of our hearts with what the scriptures call ‘fulness’. That is when we have accepted His Atonement and love with such completeness that His purpose for us is fully satisfied. Then will we know that we were made for this. Then will we know where, and why, and to whom, we belong.”

(Bruce C. Hafen, The Belonging Heart, p 315)


I stand amazed

That You would reside

In the deepest caverns of my heart

And consider me worthy of such esteem.

I want to worship at Your feet

And let it end never;

I want to keep the flame of love burning

And joy in it forever.


(Art: Then Sings My Soul by LDS Art)

Saturday, 24 August 2024



I cupped my fears in my hands

Like a prized possession;

I reasoned they were my protection.

I examined each and found

Chains around my heart.

I spread my hands toward heaven;

Like butterflies they flew to Thee.

My heart knows no sorrow

That I have set them free.


(Art: Joyous Delight by Greg Collins)

Tuesday, 13 August 2024



Some days, Father, I cannot bear,

The absence of Your touch.

I cannot wait for Your embrace

That I have missed so very much.


In this abyss of worldly darkness

I stumble but I fall into the arms of Him

Who lifts me higher than I can go.


I fly to You, Father, on my wings of faith,

I sail through stormy skies,

Seeking for Thy face.

Look Father, no hands!

Only trust in these strong arms

Of my Saviour’s loving grace.


(Art: Arms of Faith by Yongsung Kim)

Wednesday, 7 August 2024



Son of my body,

Heart of my heart,

I give you to God,

Knowing not despair,

I know my son, you will be safe

In his merciful, tender care.


I know He will watch you

And honour your faith;

I trust He will guard you

Against the open jaws of hate.


Son of my body,

Heart of my heart,

I will wait with faith

Knowing not despair,

I know you will return

To my loving, tender care.


(Art: Divine Call By Sandy Freckleton Gagon)