Sunday, 13 December 2015
"On 19 December 1841 the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles met in the home of the Prophet Joseph Smith. According to the minutes of the meeting kept by Wilford Woodruff, 'Elder Heber C. Kimball preached....of the clay in the hands of the potter, that when it [was] marred in the hands of the potter it was cut off the wheel and then thrown back again into the mill, to go into the next batch, and was a vessel of dishonour; but all clay that formed well in the hands of the potter....was a vessel of honour'.
Our lives may also be vessels of honour, a work of beauty in the hands of the Master potter, if we will respond to His call, be pliable in His hands, and learn from the things that we suffer."
- Jean A. Tefan, "Jeremiah: As Potter's Clay", Ensign, Oct 2002, p 11