Monday, 19 December 2016


"Though heaven was his habitation and earth his footstool, He chose to lie as an infant in a manger, surrounded by horses and camels and mules. Though He laid the foundations of the earth, and worlds without number had rolled into orbit at his word, He chose to come into mortality among the beasts of the field. Though He had worn a kingly crown in the eternal courts on high, He chose to breathe as his first mortal breath the stench of a stable. Though He would one day come forth with all power in heaven and on earth, for now, as the helpless child of a peasant girl, He chose to begin the days of probation as none of Adam's race had ever done before. And there, even in such a birth, He was rejected by his people, symbolically at least, for none in the recesses and rooms of the inn had seen fit to make room for a weary woman great with child....."

- Bruce R. McConkie, "The Mortal Messiah" Book 1, p 345