Tuesday, 14 February 2017


I took a drop of kindness
And spread it all around,
It changed the earth beneath me
To sacred, holy ground.

Transformed a voice of anger
To whispers soft and dear,
And stony eyes, hard and cold
To ones which shone with tears.

It filled a heart with softness
Where harshness had abound,
And placed a smile on a face
On which there'd been a frown.

It helped to ease the sorrow
Of one weighed down in grief,
A widow faced the morrow
With hope borne out of peace.

The little act of kindness?
There's really no such thing.
The little act of kindness
Hides multitudes of sin!

Effects are quite astounding
They'd change the world for sure
If others shared the burden
Which those around them bore.

So take a drop of kindness
And spread it all around,
Change the earth beneath you
To sacred, holy ground.

And soon you will discover
Your open heart will sing!
For little acts of kindness
Are monumental things!

- Desley Innis