Sunday, 30 April 2017


"Nobody has ever measured,
not even poets,
how much a heart can hold."

- Zelda Fitzgerald (1900-1948)
American Writer


Flatter me, and I may not believe you.
Criticize me, and I may not like you.
Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and I will not forget you.
Love me and I may be forced to love you.

- William Arthur Ward (1921-1994)
American writer

Friday, 21 April 2017


"Do not go where the path may lead.
 Go where there is no path and leave a trail."

- Anonymous

Thursday, 13 April 2017


Jesus Christ
The Lord
The Son of God
The Son of the Eternal Father
The Lamb
Almighty God
The God of Israel
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
The Lord of Hosts
The Holy One of Israel
The Redeemer of Israel
King Immanuel
The Eternal God
Holy One
The King of Zion
The Rock of Heaven
The Saviour
The Mighty One of Jacob
The Mighty One of Israel
The Lord God
The God of Hosts
The Prince of Life
The Lord of Hosts
The Lord of Glory
Eternal King
Lord God Almighty
The Son of Righteousness
Alpha and Omega
The Great I am
The Stone of Israel
Holy Messiah
The Great Mediator
Son Ahman 
I Am
Man of Holiness
Man of Counsel
King of Glory
The Lord God of Hosts
The Father of Heaven and Earth
The Creator of All Things
The Mighty God
The Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace

- Derived by Cathryne Allen from
 The Standard Works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


"The death of a God! The great Creator dies! Not only does He die - He is slain, crucified, pierced. Nails are driven through His hands and feet. A Roman spear is hurled into His side. He hangs in agony upon a cross, feeling again the weight of the sorrow He bore in Gethsemane. A God dies and the rocks rend; a God dies and all creation shudders; a God dies and all the hosts of heaven both sorrow and rejoice. A God dies that He may live again; that He may come forth from the tomb as the firstfruits of them that sleep; that He may bring immortality to all and eternal life to those who believe and obey. A God dies that all the terms and conditions of the Father's plan may be fulfilled. A God descends below all things that He may rise to heights above the stars; He lives again, as all men shall; and the infinite and eternal atonement is complete. The will of the Son is swallowed up in the will of the Father. The will of the Father in all things from the beginning is done!"

- Bruce R. McConkie, 'The Promised Messiah', p 523

Wednesday, 12 April 2017


"At the appointed time Jesus came, born of Mary, in Bethlehem of Judea. He worked out His own salvation, revealed His Father, preached the gospel, wrought miracles, organized anew the earthly kingdom, was rejected by his own, and died a voluntary death on a cross at Calvary. In a garden called Gethsemane, outside Jerusalem's walls, in agony beyond compare, he took upon himself the sins of all men on conditions of repentance. Then he yielded himself into the hands of traitors and wicked men to have his flesh gashed and pierced and his body hung on a tree. He came into the world to die, and die he did, die as only a God could."

- Bruce R. McConkie, 'The Promised Messiah', p 552

Wednesday, 5 April 2017


"Your life is not about you.
It's about leaving a legacy.
If you help others be fulfilled,
you will be fulfilled.
Consistently give to others that
which you wish to receive.
Who will you touch by your giving spirit
in your lifetime?"

Will Shannon