Thursday, 13 April 2017


"The death of a God! The great Creator dies! Not only does He die - He is slain, crucified, pierced. Nails are driven through His hands and feet. A Roman spear is hurled into His side. He hangs in agony upon a cross, feeling again the weight of the sorrow He bore in Gethsemane. A God dies and the rocks rend; a God dies and all creation shudders; a God dies and all the hosts of heaven both sorrow and rejoice. A God dies that He may live again; that He may come forth from the tomb as the firstfruits of them that sleep; that He may bring immortality to all and eternal life to those who believe and obey. A God dies that all the terms and conditions of the Father's plan may be fulfilled. A God descends below all things that He may rise to heights above the stars; He lives again, as all men shall; and the infinite and eternal atonement is complete. The will of the Son is swallowed up in the will of the Father. The will of the Father in all things from the beginning is done!"

- Bruce R. McConkie, 'The Promised Messiah', p 523