"Men can move mountains with their words"
- Winston Churchill
Indeed. The Brother of Jared said to the Mount of Zerin: "Remove - and it was removed" (Ether 12:30). And so great was the faith of Enoch, the great-great grandfather of Noah, that when he spoke the word of God "the earth trembled and the mountains fled" (Moses 7:13). We might not need to change the geography of the world but we sometimes need to change the geography of our lives. Most of us have mountains in our lives that we have been climbing for years. There comes a time though when climbing needs to come to an end. Then perhaps the task at hand is no longer to climb but to move. Many of us lack such faith and feel that climbing is easier than the faith that is required to move the obstacles in our path to greatness. These obstacles can be lack of faith in ourselves, weaknesses, addictions, lack of self-esteem, or simply the lure of the comfort zone. These mountains can be of immense proportions but none are bigger than the power that God can give us. Enoch was a man of 'slow speech' (Moses 6:31) until God gave him utterance (Moses 6:34). The Brother of Jared was a praying man who had the audacity to believe. Both were just ordinary men made powerful by God. So stop climbing and speak the words: Through my faith in Jesus Christ - move.
- Cathryne Allen
- Cathryne Allen