The baby in the stable
So innocent and sweet,
On the altar of sacrifice
Lay at Father’s feet.
(Art: Love by Eileen Whitehead)
The baby in the stable
So innocent and sweet,
On the altar of sacrifice
Lay at Father’s feet.
(Art: Love by Eileen Whitehead)
Such magnitude of power
Of love, mercy and light
Cradled in small caverns
Of the baby’s heart.
(ART: Kissing the Face of God by Morgan Weistling)
No soft pillows and kingly bed
On which to lay His princely head.
A bleak future on some hill
Lay in shadows of His Father’s will.
For man’s purpose did He come
To dispel the gloom from devil’s hellish flood.
To light the world with heaven’s glow,
The greatest love you’ll ever know.
(Art: Baby Jesus by Jennifer Hickey)
On that fateful night
when shepherds watched the sacrificial lambs,
There was a shepherd child keeping watch
But one had gone astray.
He searched in vain the rich pasture of hay
And found Him peaceful
In the manger where He lay.
(Art: Tender Shepherd by Eva Koleva Timothy)
You carried your precious boy
So close to your beating heart,
Hoping it would protect Him
From the fate that would tear you apart.
You stood weeping at the foot of the
In the valley of humiliation and death,
Your pain and sorrow unable to suppress.
You are a mother, like no other……
(Art by Liz Lemon Swindle)
As a tender plant , I grew
In the shadow of your wings
Never knowing danger was so near;
Your protection and your love
Dispelling all my fear.
When God called,
You heard His call,
So willing was your spiritually tender heart
No forces of hell could sever you
from your appointed path.
The guardian of my youth,
The obedient servant of the Lord,
Thou art Joseph
The valiant son of God.
(Art: Flight by Rose Datoc Dall)
Among valiant sons of God
Who were chosen rulers to be
Stood the daughters so fair
They echoed throughout eternity.
(Art: Jump for Joy by Corby)
I marvel at Thy willingness
To descend from the regions of bliss
That was Thy heavenly home
To pay the ransom for my soul.
You are my greatest gift,
My love and my all,
I bow in reverence
before the foot of Thy throne.
(Art: The Greatest
Gift by Liz Lemon Swindle)
A life well lived,
The price willingly paid,
A glorious victory
At His feet laid.
(Art by Alex Kovych)
Let me dear Lord
Sit by Thy furnace of affliction
To warm myself by Thy refiner’s fire.
Purge my suffering and polish me as silver
That I might in the end receive my desire;
When Thou wilt come
To gather Thine own
To receive us into Thy bosom,
To carry us home.
(Art: Pour Out Your Whole Soul by Greg Collins)
Daily I stand in my holy place
As I feast upon Thy holy word,
Ever hopeful I will meet You there
Thy Spirit to embrace
And the cares of this world to arrest;
I reach for You in darkness
And step up to heaven’s door;
I am bathed in light
And am granted entrance to Your heart.
(Art: Come Unto Me by Yongsung Kim)
I will look for Thee in faith
My Lord and my God;
When I am oppressed,
When I am unloved,
When I am wronged.
I will look for Thee
When I can walk no more;
And I will find Thee,
The Saviour of my soul,
Thou who waits for those who call,
To renew their strength,
To save them from their fall.
I lift, I lift,
Above the world below.
I reach and find Your hand
To guide me where I am meant to go.
You are my guiding light,
You are my all,
You are my inner compass
That will bring me home.
(Art: Guiding Light by Annie Henrie Nader)
I will scatter my prayers upward
Like birds in flight reaching for Thy throne;
I will trust in Thy wisdom,
I will surrender my soul,
To see more clearly the sacred path home.
(Art: Waiting for Answers by Jenedy Paige)
I cupped my fears in my hands
Like a prized possession;
I reasoned they were my protection.
I examined each and found
Chains around my heart.
I spread my hands toward heaven;
Like butterflies they flew to Thee.
My heart knows no sorrow
That I have set them free.
(Art: Joyous Delight by Greg Collins)
I gift my all to Thee,
The gardener of my soul,
My wings of protection from the cold,
The path to my eternal home.
(Art: The Divine Gardener by Greg Collins)
If forsaken you happen to be
Come unto Me.
If unloved you were made to be
Come unto Me.
If wronged you were forced to be
Come unto Me.
If in darkness lost you came to be
Come unto Me.
I will know your name,
I am the keeper of the flame.
(Art: Come Unto Me by Yongsung Kim)
You followed your mother into my heart
Carefully tracing her foot prints that led to mine,
Knowing I was waiting for your loving arms.
You are the offspring of my body and my heart;
The proof of God’s mercy,
The proof of His love divine.
(Art by Nomi Wagner)
What are children to a mother
If not gifts from heaven’s door;
As jewels from God’s own bosom
Gifted to her heart forever more.
Entrusted with the greatest charge
Sealed with hope of tender care;
From His hands
To mothers given
As gifts of worth beyond compare.
“Motherhood is near to divinity.
It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.
It places her who honours its holy calling and service next to the angels.”
- The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints:
Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark, David O McKay