"I have stood in the Garden of Gethsemane on many occasions. I've contemplated in my mind the suffering, the agony of the Savior. That agony that was experienced when our Heavenly Father permitted him, in a way our minds cannot even comprehend, to take upon himself the pain and sins of all mankind. My soul was filled with sorrow as I've thought of his great sacrifice for mankind.
I've stood beneath Golgotha, the place of the skull, and contemplated the humiliation of the crucifixion which led to our Saviour's mortal death, but which brought to pass his and all mankind's immortality. And again my soul has been subdued.
And I've stood in front of the garden tomb and imagined that glorious day of resurrection when the Saviour emerged from the tomb alive, resurrected, immortal. In that contemplation my heart has swelled with joy.
Through these experiences I've felt to pour out my soul in thanksgiving and appreciation to our Heavenly Father for the love which he and his Son have given to us through the glorious atoning sacrifice."
(President Howard W. Hunter, Teaching of Howard W. Hunter, page 9)
If You were
I would not be,
Silence would
have wept at Calvary!
If You were
I would not be,
As death would
claim me eternally.
If You were
I would not be,
Joyless would
be my destiny.
(Art: Upon The Cross by Greg Collins)